Solar Power Plant Turnkey Construction Services
Ersis Enerji carries out the installation of turnkey solar power plants by designing the most ideal system for land, roof and agricultural irrigation applications.
Site Visit: With our expert staff, a preliminary exploration of the area to be installed is made and a conformity analysis is carried out.
Project Design: Engineering studies are carried out according to the site visit information and the obtained information is sent to the simulation program.
Feasibility: The efficiency of the project is evaluated according to the project. According to the engineering calculations, the equipment and investment budget of the plant to be installed is determined.
Management of Permissions and Administrative Processes: Ersis Enerji carries out the permits and administrative processes for the prepared project on your behalf.
Procurement and Transportation: The procurement and purchasing of the products and equipment specified for the power plant are completed.
Management of Permissions and Administrative Processes: Ersis Enerji carries out the permits and administrative processes for the prepared project on your behalf.
Industrial Roof Type Solar Power Plant
According to the latest amendments to the Unlicensed Electricity Generation Regulation (Lisanssız Elektrik Üretim Yönetmeliği) in Turkey, the surplus electricity sales of unlicensed electricity generation facilities that came into operation after 12 May 2019 are limited to the previous current year’s consumption. The production that will take place above this will be accepted as a free contribution to YEKDEM. Therefore, investments in the industrial rooftop solar power plant project should be designed to meet the electricity needs of the enterprise.
Yönetmelikte yapılan düzenlemeler ile sanayi tesisleri bağlantı anlaşmasındaki sözleşme güçlerinin iki katına kadar lisanssız elektrik üretim yatırımı yapabilir. At the same time, thanks to this change, if industrial companies or corporate companies with high electricity consumption cannot find suitable land for investment within the boundaries of the distribution region where their businesses or buildings are located, for various reasons, they will be able to set off the electricity they produce here with their consumption by installing power plants on lands in other electricity distribution regions of Turkey. It is possible to increase the capacity of the enterprises with a production facility on the roof and to establish a Solar Power Plant outside the organized industrial zone for the enterprises within the organized industrial zone.
If you want to invest in a solar energy system in your Industrial and Commercial business, we visit your business after contacting us. After our site visit, we offer the following services to you:
Land and Agricultural Solar Power Plant
Field irrigation can be done without the need for a grid, thanks to the pumps using the Solar Energy System. In these systems, the electrical energy required for deep well and surface pumps can be obtained from the sun.
According to the latest regulations made in the Unlicensed Electricity Generation Regulation (Lisanssız Elektrik Üretim Yönetmeliği) in Turkey, agricultural irrigation facilities can now establish a generation facility based on renewable energy resources established at the same or different measurement point as the consumption facility, provided that it is twice the contract power in the connection agreement and other persons are limited to the contract power in the connection agreement.
If you want to invest in a solar energy system on your land, we offer the following services for turnkey installation service after contacting us.
Roof Solar Power Plant
Roof Types of Solar Power Plants That Can Be Installed
Depending on the installed production capacity with the solar panels installed on the roof, the building can produce as much as the energy consumed by the sun.
The area to install solar panels on residential roofs is narrow and most of them do not face directly south. Some of the roof area may be in the shade due to structures on the roof such as a chimney. In this respect, the house needs a detailed site visit in order to benefit from solar energy efficiently.
Due to the small number of solar panels to be mounted on the roof, high-power and efficient panels should be preferred.
Inverter selection is also an important factor in roof solar energy systems. The technical characteristics of the inverter to be selected directly affect the efficiency and return on investment of the system.
Roofs are one of the most sensitive parts of houses in terms of insulation. In residential solar energy systems, construction – assembly equipment and solar panel assembly should be done by an experienced team.
Our company works to serve its customers with high quality and standards in all of these processes.
Our company offers you the following services in roof solar energy system installations.